What are the differences among PEG NHS ester & PEG Acid products?There is a variety of PEG Acid and PEG NHS ester. These NHS esters react with primary and secondary amine to form a stable amide l... 在药物合成过程中,由于合成反应有多种路径和多步反应,会用到各种各样的有机溶剂。药物研发中使用高沸点溶剂是在所难免的,其中包括DMF,DMSO,NMP等偶极非质子溶剂,由于其高级性、热稳定性好、低毒,与水互溶等特点,不但可以作为反应溶剂,而且也可以作为溶剂溶解药物,有的被称作有机合成反应中常用的“万能溶剂”。01. DMFN,N-二甲基甲酰胺N,N-二甲基甲酰胺,DMF,沸点高达153℃,可以... 富勒烯简介富勒烯(Fullerene),是一种完全由碳组成的中空分子,形状呈球型、椭球型、柱型或管状。富勒烯在结构上与石墨很相似,石墨是由六元环组成的石墨烯层堆积而成,而富勒烯不仅含有六元环还有五元环,偶尔还有七元环。根据碳原子的总数不同,富勒烯可以分为C20、C60、C70、C76、C80等。其中,最小的富勒烯是C20。C60高度对称的笼状结构使其具有较高的稳定性,因此在富勒烯家族中研究最... POSS Additives in Energy Cure Coatings: A Technical Review Soft Character of Star-Like Polymer Melts: From Linear-Like Chains to Impenetrable NanoparticlesPetra Bačová*, Eirini Gkolfi, and Vagelis Harmandaris*Departamento de Ciencia de los Materiales e Ing... Temperature-Responsive Bottlebrush Polymers Deliver a Stress-Regulating Agent In Vivo for Prolonged Plant Heat Stress MitigationYilin Zhang, Liye Fu, Michael R. Martinez, Hui Sun, Valeria Nava, Jia... 碳纳米管(CNT)是碳的一维形式。作为纳米材料这一独特类别的一部分,像碳纳米管这样的一维材料在至少一个空间维度上通常只有一个原子厚。自从饭岛秀夫(Sumio Iijima)在1991年发表了开创性的论文“石墨碳的螺旋微管”以来,科学界一直对碳纳米管所具有的不可思议的财产着迷。碳纳米管是当单层六边形碳晶格(类似于石墨烯)卷起形成细长的中空管时产生的,这些中空管要么是开口的,要么在末端用半富勒烯... Versatile Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Polyelectrolytes for Bioelectronics by Incorporation of an Activated EsterJoshua Tropp, Abijeet Singh Mehta, Xudong Ji, Abhijith Surendran, Ruiheng Wu, Em... Degradable Bioadhesives Based on Star PEG–PLA Hydrogels for Soft Tissue ApplicationsMathilde Grosjean, Edouard Girard, Audrey Bethry, Grégory Chagnon, Xavier Garric, and Benjamin Nottelet*Polymers ... Gelation Dynamics during Photo-Cross-Linking of Polymer Nanocomposite HydrogelsMichael C. Burroughs, Tracy H. Schloemer, Daniel N. Congreve, and Danielle J. Mai*Department of Chemical Engineering, ... Structural Engineering of Star Block Biodegradable Polymer Unimolecular Micelles for Drug Delivery in Cancer CellsUpendiran Pranav, Mehak Malhotra, Shahidkhan Pathan, and Manickam Jayakannan*Depart... Self-Healing Polymeric Soft ActuatorsSebastian Bonardd*, Mridula Nandi, José Ignacio Hernández García, Binoy Maiti, Alex Abramov, and David Díaz Díaz*Departamento de Química Orgánica, Universidad d... Dual-Crosslinked Degradable Elastomeric Networks With Self-Healing Properties: Bringing Multi(catechol) Star-Block Copolymers into PlayMathilde Grosjean, Louis Gangolphe, Stéphane Déjean, Sylvie Hu... Multicompartment Nanoparticles Bearing Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Subdomains by Self-Assembly of Star Polymers in Aqueous SolutionHaohui Huo, Jie Liu, Senthil Kannan, Long Chen, Yimin Zhao, Lei Zhang,... Synthesis of a Bottlebrush Polymer Gel with a Uniform and Controlled Network StructureShintaro Nakagawa* and Naoko Yoshie*Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Komaba 4-6-1, Meg... Chain Architecture Dependence of Morphology and Water Transport in Poly(fluorene alkylene)-Based Anion-Exchange MembranesXiaofeng Li, Kuan Yang, Zimo Wang, Yaohan Chen, Yonggang Li, Jing Guo, Jifu ... Highly Conductive Solid Polymer Electrolytes by para-Fluoro/Thiol Clicked Diblock Copolymer Self-Assembly: Paving the Way for Nanostructured Materials for Lithium-Ion ConductivityPrithwiraj Mandal,... Color-Tunable Binary Copolymers Manipulated by Intramolecular Aggregation and Hydrogen BondingZhi-Yuan Xue, Jia-Lin Yu, Qing-Qing Xia, Yu-Qi Zhu, Ming-Xue Wu*, Xiaomin Liu*, and Xing-Huo Wang*Colle... Metallo-Supramolecular Rod–Coil Block Copolymer Thin Films for Stretchable Organic Field Effect Transistor ApplicationWei-Ni Wu, Tsung-Han Tu, Chiao-Hsuan Pai, Kuan-Heng Cheng, Shih-Huang Tung, Yi-... 具有可控疏水相互作用的发光金纳米粒子摘要在第二近红外窗口(NIR-II)中具有高度红移发射和良好生物相容性的发光金纳米颗粒(AuNP)的构建仍然具有挑战性。在本文中,使用具有不同形式的单体和胶束中可控疏水相互作用的两亲性嵌段共聚物(ABC)模板,我们报道了一种用于红移发光和增强发光AuNP的生物相互作用的简便策略。虽然均匀的NIR-II AuNP团簇在ABC胶束的疏水核内原位形成,具有较强的... |